Wisdom teeth removal in 76210 is not without its side effects and complications. Fortunately, most of these issues are manageable with the help of your oral surgeon and, of course, your cooperation.
The socket is the space left behind after the dentist extracts a tooth. The body’s natural response is to create a blood clot over the hole. This functions as a temporary barrier that protects the exposed nerves and bone material while recovering from the injury.
However, some cases result in the clot not forming adequately or becoming lost. Dental surgeons call this condition a “dry socket.” Dry sockets impede healing and bring pain. They also require a follow-up visit to the dentist for treatment and prescription medicines.
Tooth removal severs the tooth from the root, bone, and nerve connections beneath the gums. This causes the extraction site to bleed for several hours following the procedure. You can control the bleeding by gently biting down on a gauze bandage placed over the wound.
Alternatively, you can also use a moistened tea bag. The pressure of biting triggers the body’s clot-forming mechanism and accelerates healing.
Like bleeding, pain and inflammation are normal reactions to the trauma of wisdom tooth removal. You can alleviate these symptoms by applying a cold compress over the swelling for 10 minutes. Your dentist may also prescribe over-the-counter painkillers. Adhering to the prescription takes the swelling and pain away after 24 hours.
Your third molars are located very near to the jaw and cheeks. The surgery may inadvertently damage a nerve in the region, particularly the inferior alveolar nerve. The immediate effect is numbness, which people also attribute to residual effects of anesthesia.
Extracting the rearmost teeth rarely results in paresthesia. However, the risk is still there. If the numbing does not subside within 24 hours, contact the oral surgeon to update them on your condition.
Wisdom tooth surgery leaves your mouth open for an extended time. This leads to trismus, which limits the jaws’ movement range. This discomfort, however, is temporary. You can perform jaw exercises to relieve the muscles and restore full movement. If the trismus persists, the dentist can suggest therapy and other treatment.
Below are some tips you can follow to accelerate your recovery from your third molar extraction:
Recovering from major oral surgery can take several weeks. However, following the above tips may help you heal faster from the operation.
Your dentist will need to first determine if you need third molar surgery. Contact us now if you want to schedule a checkup.
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Phone: (972) 596-9242
Email: dduran@oms360.com
Fax: (972) 612-0787
2711 Shoreline Dr, #131, Denton, TX 76210
Phone: (940) 387-9015
Email: dduran@oms360.com
Fax: (940) 898-1649