Posted by Texas Oral Surgery Group Apr 06, 2022
Oral pathology is a branch of medicine that deals with the mouth and surrounding tissues. The mouth is a complex, multi-layered organ. Each tissue and organ within the mouth comprises a complex group of cells, glands, blood vessels, and nerves. Since the tissues in the mouth are packed in small spaces, oral pathology in Denton is an integral part of dentistry.
Some oral diseases, such as dental caries and gingivitis, are easily detectable, while others, such as dental abscess and periodontal infection, may not be diagnosed until they become acute.
This disease is caused by the oral thrush fungus called Candida, which is found in the mouth. This fungus is located in the mouth's tissues, especially on the gums, tongue, and inside the mouth. Although it does not cause any problems in the mouth, Candida can cause infections once it grows out of control and has seeped into the body, such as the bloodstream or internal organs like the kidney, brain, and heart.
Common symptoms of Candidiasis include:
Oral thrush is considered the most common type of fungus that affects the oral cavity. You are more prone to oral thrush if you have the following conditions:
As the name suggests, this condition makes your tongue appear black and hairy. However, this shouldn't be a cause for concern since it does not do anything to your body except that it's unattractive.
Its appearance is due to the overgrowth of dead skin cells in your tongue called papillae. These papillae become easily stained by yeast, bacteria, tobacco, food, and other substances. Sometimes, they may appear green, yellow, white, brown, or tan.
Its symptoms typically include:
Since this issue is not permanent, dangerous, and painful, dentists don't usually urge their patients to see them unless it doesn't go away in a week or so despite efforts of practicing good oral hygiene.
It is a condition that occurs when oral tissues are damaged or destroyed. The tumor can develop on the mouth's surfaces, like the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, the lips, or the gums.
There are also many mouth cancers that oral pathologists are very mindful of. The most common one is called squamous cell carcinoma. Oral cancers are classified based on the type of cell cancer develops in. Squamous cell carcinoma accounts for nine out of 10 cases of oral cancer.
On the other hand, less common oral cancers may still pose significant damage and danger to the oral cavity and the patient's overall health.
Adenocarcinoma: This cancer develops inside the salivary glands.
Sarcoma: Taking advantage of the mouth's abnormalities, this cancer grows in the bone, cartilage, muscle, or other tissues.
Lymphoma: Typically, the cancer cells grow in the lymph glands, but sometimes they may also develop in the mouth.
Other Malignant Melanoma: Highly uncommon, this cancer attacks the melanocytes first, the cells that produce skin color or pigments.
There can be many signs that signify the presence of oral cancer. When you experience these symptoms, it's best to consult your dentist or oral pathologist for early detection and treatment. The symptoms of oral cancer include:
The causes of oral cancer are directly linked to the patient's regular activities. These include smoking and chewing tobacco, drinking alcoholic drinks, and having an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).
You may also increase your risk of getting mouth cancer when you:
Looking for Trusted Oral Pathology in Denton?
The importance of oral pathology cannot be over-emphasized. While it is true that prevention is better than cure, early detection of diseases also poses a substantial advantage in treating that particular disorder. That is why we at Texas Oral Surgery Group are meticulous in our processes and systems in detecting oral diseases to manage them in the best way possible.
With cutting-edge technology and skilled dentists and oral pathologists, we can diagnose oral diseases and provide excellent treatment. We foster an environment of honesty and integrity with our patients, so they usually come straight to us for help and education. Visit our contact page today to set up an appointment.
3713 W 15th St, #403, Plano, TX 75075
Phone: (972) 596-9242
Fax: (972) 612-0787
2711 Shoreline Dr, #131, Denton, TX 76210
Phone: (940) 387-9015
Fax: (940) 898-1649