Are Wisdom Teeth Pains Considered an Emergency?

Are Wisdom Teeth Pains Considered an Emergency?

Posted by Texas Oral Surgery Group Oct 12, 2021

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Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth in your mouth. They are the last to erupt, usually in your late teens or early twenties. Back or third molars are two terms used to describe them. If you want to know more about your wisdom teeth in Denton, TX, your dentist is here to help.

Wisdom teeth that have become impacted are typically angled or horizontally aligned. They arrive misaligned as a result of this. They can put pressure on your other teeth or their roots, causing pain and possibly tooth movement.

If one or more of your wisdom teeth are impacted, you may experience extreme pain and suffering. In this circumstance, an emergency wisdom tooth extraction may be required by a dentist or oral surgeon.

X ray of impacted Wisdom Teeth in Denton TX

Signs of Wisdom Teeth Impaction

Wisdom teeth that have been impacted can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Swollen and painful gums
  • Jaw pain  
  • Toothaches
  • Headaches
  • Infections
  • Shifting teeth

Wisdom teeth don't show up until they start to erupt. That's why x-rays are an essential part of your teen's dental check-ups. They enable your dentist to track the emergence of your wisdom teeth.

Pericoronitis is a dental disease caused by partially erupted wisdom teeth. This happens when gum tissue covers a piece of the tooth, trapping food and plaque debris. It causes inflammation and excruciating pain, and it may require antibiotics and an extraction to recover.

Do I Have to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

If impacted wisdom teeth aren't removed, they might cause long-term problems, such as:

  • Misalignment — Wisdom teeth might cause your teeth to shift by pushing against them. They may become packed or twisted as a result of this. This can jeopardize your orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, or demand additional treatment.
  • Tooth Damage — When wisdom teeth slam into another tooth, the result could be a broken tooth. If you've had a root canal or a huge filling, you're at a higher risk.
  • Tooth Decay — Cleaning wisdom teeth can be challenging, especially if they have only partially erupted. They generate tiny crevices that are difficult to clean with floss or a toothbrush. This could result in tooth decay.
  • Infection — Infections are common in impacted wisdom teeth because they are difficult to clean. Bacteria and food particles can become stuck between your teeth and gums, causing infections (dental abscess).
  • Gum Disease — Impacted wisdom teeth can potentially cause gingivitis or periodontal disease.
  • Cysts — If left untreated, cysts can form around the crown of impacted wisdom teeth, causing dental problems in the surrounding teeth and bone.

What to Expect During a Tooth Extraction

While methods and processes may differ significantly depending on the dentist, here's what to expect when you go to the dentist for an emergency wisdom teeth extraction:  

A local anesthetic will be applied to the area around your tooth by the doctor. The entire region surrounding the tooth will be entirely numb in a few minutes.

The dentist will then use an elevator and forceps to enlarge the tooth socket by applying pressure on the tooth from numerous angles.

They will then use forceps to grip the tooth and begin rocking it back and forth. To separate the tooth from the ligaments, they may rotate it.

Depending on your condition, you may be placed in the recovery room, given pain medication, and instructions on how to care for yourself following the treatment.

Aftercare for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

You will gradually regain feeling after the surgery as the anesthesia wears off. This is the most painful phase of the procedure, although it is easily manageable with over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to prevent infection.

Woman at the dentist because of pain with her Wisdom Teeth in Denton TX

Looking to Know More About Wisdom Teeth in Denton, TX?

A wisdom tooth removal isn't really considered a dental emergency. But if you do feel a lot of discomfort, you're free to contact your emergency dentist, who can advise you on what to do with your wisdom teeth in Denton, TX.

Head on over to Texas Oral Surgery Group. We can help you with all your dental emergencies. Call us today!

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